Monday, November 23, 2015

[ News ] Highschool boy arrested from selling cheat tool.

" Police arrested a 17-year old male high school student in Kashihara, Nara Prefecture on Sunday on suspicion of violating the Japanese Copyright Act by selling smartphones pre-installed with a cheat tool program for mixi's Monster Strike smartphone game." ( src : ANN )

The suspect reportedly confessed to the charges, when he posted/auctioned two phones to two male individuals ,from Japan as well, an altered game data that boosts the user on the game.


Monster Strike (the Animation) aired last month , October 10 2015 under Studio Hibari.


Ren Homura returns to his former residence, yet he feels very uncomfortable: he possesses no memory of having lived there. Without warning or his permission, a game called "Monster Strike" installs itself into Ren's smartphone; monsters of the game then literally fly out from his smartphone and start fighting on streets. Watching the fighting in amazement, Ren starts picking up his lost memories.

(Source: ANN)