The special, titled "Chibi Maruko-chan ~Arigatō! Anime 25 Shūnen & Eiga Kōkai Kinen Sakura Momoko Gensaku 1-jikan SP~" (Chibi Maruko-chan ~Thank You! 25-Year Anime Anniversary & Film Opening Commemoration: Momoko Sakura's Original Work 1-Hour Special~), will feature the guest cast from the upcoming film:
(SRC ; ANN )
Taishi Nakagawa as Andrea, a boy from Italy
Hitori Gekidan as Shin, a boy from India
Papaya Suzuki as Nepu, a boy from Hawaii
Naomi Watanabe as Julia, a girl from Brazil
Rola as Xin Ni, a girl from Hong Kong
The special will adapt two stories based on Sakura's original work: "Maruko, Ofuro de Uta wo Utau" (Maruko, Sings a Song in the Bath) and "Tama-chan, Daisuki" (Tama, I Love You). The special will also feature famous scenes from both of the TV anime series.(SRC ; ANN )
Haha. I really miss my high school lunch while enjoying this mischievous character.
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